120 Beautiful Vedic Names for Baby Girls | लड़कियों के लिए वैदिक नाम

Vedic Names for Baby Girls

Welcome to our guide on Vedic names for your baby girls! These names come from ancient Hindu traditions and are filled with meaning and history. In this blog post, we’ll explore these special names, along with their meaning and hindi script. Whether you’re looking for a name that connects your child to their heritage or simply sounds beautiful, you’ll find plenty of inspiration here. Let’s dive into the world of Vedic names and find the perfect one for your little girl.

Vedic Names for Baby Girls

S.NoNameMeaningHindi Script
1AarnaGoddess Lakshmi; Water; Waveआर्णा
2AarushiFirst Ray of the Sun; Red Sky at the Sunriseआरुषि
3AnamikaRing Fingerअनामिका
4AnanyaUnique; Matchlessअनन्या
5AnikaGrace; Sweet-facedअनिका
6BhadraAuspicious; Gentleभद्रा
7BhavanaMeditation; Thinkingभावना
8BhavikaEmotional; Sentimentalभाविका
9BhavyaGrand; Splendid; Virtuousभव्या
10BhumiEarth; Goddess Bhumiभूमि
11ChaitaliBorn in the month of Chaitraचैतली
12CharulataBeautiful Creeperचारुलता
13CharviBeautiful; Lovelyचार्वी
14ChhaviReflection; Imageछवि
15ChhayaShadow; Reflection; Goddess Durgaछाया
16DakshitaSkilled; Efficient; Cleverदक्षिता
17DevanshiDivine; Heavenlyदेवांशी
18DevikaLittle Goddess; Divineदेविका
19DivishaGoddess of Divinityदिविषा
20DivyaDivine; Heavenlyदिव्या
21DiyaLight; Lampदिया
22EeshaGoddess Parvati; Purityईशा
23EeshaniConsort of Lord Shiva; Goddess Parvatiईशानी
24EilaThe Earth; Daughter of Manu; Earthएला
25EshaDesire; Purityएशा
26EshitaDesired; Belovedएशिता
27EshwariGoddess Parvati; Supreme Goddessईश्वरी
28FalguniBorn in the month of Falgunफाल्गुनी
29FalishaHappiness; Joyफालिशा
30FariaBeautiful; One who distinguishes herselfफारिया
31GangaHoly River Ganga; Goddess Gangaगंगा
32GargiAn ancient scholarगार्गी
33GauraviHonour; Prideगौरवी
34GauriFair; Golden; Goddess Parvatiगौरी
35GitanjaliOffering of songsगीतांजलि
36HamsikaGoddess Saraswati; Swanहंसिका
37HamsiniGraceful; Swan-likeहंसिनी
38HariniDeer; Goddess Lakshmiहरिणी
39HemaGolden; Golden Goddessहेमा
40HimaniGoddess Parvati; Snowहिमानी
41HridyaHeart; Affectionateहृद्या
42InayaConcern; Solicitudeइनाया
43IndiraBeauty; Splendor; Goddess Lakshmiइन्दिरा
44IraEarth; Museइरा
45IshaaniConsort of Lord Shiva; Goddess Parvatiईशानी
46IshitaDesired; Goddess Durgaईशिता
47JahnviGanga River; Daughter of Sage Jahnuजाह्नवी
49JeevikaLife; Source of Lifeजीविका
50JivikaSource of life; The living oneजीविका
52KairaviMoonlight; Moonbeamकैरवी
53KaminiBeautiful; Desiredकामिनी
54KarishmaMiracle; Gift of Godकरिश्मा
55KavitaPoem; Poetryकविता
56KavyaPoetry; Poemकाव्या
57KirtiFame; Gloryकीर्ति
58LalitaBeautiful; Elegant; Charmingललिता
59LataCreeper; Vineलता
60LavanyaBeauty; Grace; Attractionलावण्या
61LavishaHappiness; Joy; Name of Goddess Parvatiलविशा
62LekhaWriting; Recordलेखा
63MahikaDew drops; Earthमहिका
65MeeraOcean; Limitless; Devotee of Lord Krishnaमीरा
66MeherBenevolence; Kindnessमेहर
67MiraOcean; Limitless; Devotee of Lord Krishnaमीरा
68NandiniDelightful; Daughter; Goddess Durgaनंदिनी
69NehaLove; Affection; Dewनेहा
70NiraliUnique; Matchlessनिराली
71NityaEternal; Constantनित्या
72OjasLight; Aura; Shineओजस
73OjasviBright; Radiant; Luminousओजस्वी
74OjaswiniLustrous; Bright; Energeticओजस्विनी
75OjaswitaRadiant; Brightओजस्विता
76OmishaGoddess of Birth and Death; Lord of the Omओमिषा
77OorjaEnergy; Power; Strengthऊर्जा
78PadminiLotus; Goddess Lakshmiपद्मिनी
80PariFairy; Angelपरी
81PoojaWorship; Prayerपूजा
82PranaviGoddess Parvati; Goddess of Prayerप्राणवी
83PrishaBeloved; God's Giftप्रिषा
84QuineeIntelligent; Wise; Beautifulक्वीनी
85RaaginiMelody; Musicरागिनी
86RashmiRay of light; Beamरश्मि
87RatiLove; Desire; Consort of Kama (God of Love)रति
88RishikaSaintly; Silken; Saintऋषिका
89RoshniLight; Brightnessरोशनी
90SanyaPraise; Appreciationसान्या
91ShaktiPower; Energyशक्ति
92ShaliniModesty; Virtuousशालिनी
93SharanyaShelter; Refugeशरण्या
94ShivaniGoddess Parvati; Wife of Lord Shivaशिवानी
95ShreyaAuspicious; Fortunateश्रेया
97TanishaAmbition; Desireतनिषा
98TanishiGoddess of Goldतनिषि
99TanushreeBeautiful; Smart; Beautifulतनुश्री
100TanviDelicate; Slim; Beautifulतन्वी
101TanyaOf the family; Fairy queenतन्या
102UjjwalaBright; Luminousउज्ज्वला
103UmaGoddess Parvati; Light; Fameउमा
104UpasanaWorship; Devotionउपासना
105UrvashiHeavenly Maiden; The Most Beautiful Womanउर्वशी
106UshaDawn; Sun risingउषा
107VaidehiGoddess Sita; Daughter of Videhaवैदेही
108VaishaliAn ancient city in Indiaवैशाली
109VaishnaviDevotee of Lord Vishnu; Goddess Parvatiवैष्णवी
110VanyaForest; Gracious; Gift of Godवन्या
111VasundharaEarth; Goddess Bhumiवसुंधरा
112YaminiNight; Nocturnal; Goddess Durgaयामिनी
113YashaswiniSuccessful; Gloriousयशस्विनी
114Yashifame or gloryयशी
115YashikaSuccess; Successfulयशिका
116YashviFame; Glory; Famousयश्वी
117ZaaraFlower; Princessज़ारा
118ZainaBeauty; Grace; Eleganceज़ैना
119ZaraPrincess; Flowerज़ारा
120ZoyaAlive; Loving & Caring; Loving & Affectionateज़ोया

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